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Product Launch Services for Amazon.

For both first-time and experienced Amazon sellers, formulating a product launch strategy can spell the difference between a flop listing and a successful one. Launching on Amazon marketplaces requires more than researching relevant keywords, collecting positive reviews, and taking crisp product photographs.

Increasing sales velocity is crucial for a viral launch. With Sapient Commerce's professionals' experience, we can relieve you from the pitfalls and struggles of a new launch strategy and set your product listings up for both short and long-term success.

Boost Business Advantages With Successful Amazon Product Launch Services.

Let us do the work for you.

Launching a new product on Amazon can often be challenging—especially if you're a first-time seller. It could feel like you have your strategic Amazon launch strategy figured out, from planning Amazon PPC campaigns to meticulously researching search terms on your Amazon listings, only to realize that these tasks require more time and effort than you planned.

The activities involved are a complex process regardless of your experience selling on Amazon. This is why many sellers who launch their private label and want to grow their Amazon business look towards getting product launch services.

We excel at product launches..

Sapient Commerce knows the latest product launch methodologies. Our team will work with you to successfully launch your products in a way that remains true to your vision with strategies that can bring short and long-term sales potential.

As a professional group of sellers familiar with the processes, our team can confidently say that launching your products is one of the services we proudly excel in.

Save time and money with us..

We understand that the costs of FBA can increase very quickly. Providing our product launch services for sellers and relying on our expertise allow you to maximize your available resources while avoiding pitfalls.

Following an Amazon product launch strategy prevents you from spending time and money with little return. Instead, it will enable you to optimize your time focusing on other business operations.

Our Product Launch Service Covers:


Before the actual launch, we perform a comprehensive SEO check to ensure that your brand isn't missing out on any opportunity for obtaining top page rankings. Once evaluated, we'll have identified any gaps in the listing and ensure it's fully optimized.


To obtain reach and visibility, we use reliable and reputable tools and methods to optimize your listings and the development of the launch strategy that can bring in organic traffic and conversion that boost your sales velocity.


After the launch, it is essential to maintain your listings' high ranking to retain the same customers and attract new ones. We supply vital metrics and information to preserve the conversation rates needed for excellent positioning.

Your Amazon Product Launch Checklist.

Here's a checklist when launching a product on Amazon to give you an idea about how it's done:
1. Read the Amazon TOS (terms of service) back-to-back.
4. Give your supplier a heads-up if you need to replenish stock.
5. Create an  Amazon PPC ad.
6. Sign up for Amazon's Early Reviewer Program and Vine.
7. Give away a reasonable number of coupons or discounts.
8. Promote your product on Amazon and external social media.

Remember that you should always consider Amazon's house rules in everything you do in their marketplace. These rules provide customers with the best buying experience and ensure sellers' fair treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions.

How much e-commerce and Amazon product launch experience do you have?
We started way back in 2010. Over the years, we've acquired knowledge and skills to execute the best Amazon product launch service and have several clients under our belt. Most product launch timelines take less than a year, and we've already made our fair share of them.
How long does it take to launch a product on Amazon?
Launching a product on Amazon takes almost a year. Don't be amazed when an Amazon consultant guarantees they can do it in a week. Instead, run for the hills and schedule a meeting with your next prospect right away.
What Amazon product launch services do you offer?
Our comprehensive Amazon product launch services involve listing optimization, SEO, and pay-per-click (PPC) ads, among other things.

It's fundamental to survive in a highly competitive marketplace. Shoppers always use Amazon's search engine to look for products, and for most sellers, this can be the only way to get noticed. Amazon's A10 algorithm supports this marketplace behavior by ranking listings sold through organic search results. This strengthens the need for an excellent SEO service.
Can you share case studies involving product launches?
Yes, we do. We also offer it as a separate service: optimizing listing on a seller central account. Our Amazon SEO involves comprehensive keyword research.

We also work with copywriters, designers, and photographers to ensure your Amazon listing more than just pops into the first page of the search engine but also compels your target shoppers to click your listings and buy your products.
Do you know about winning the Buy Box?
Of course. Though our methods for winning the buy box for you are proprietary, we'd be happy to apply our expertise during the product launch to make sure your newly introduced product gets a chance to win it.
How can I improve my listing rankings on Amazon’s search engine?
An Amazon consulting agency that runs purely on theories and hunches can't offer you the best Amazon product launch service. One way of exposing this is through this question.

Besides impressive sales growth, a successful product launch has the following characteristics:
Product listings are optimized.
The listings contain high-definition images.
Amazon PPC campaigns have low ACoS and high RoAS.
You're out of the "Just Launched" flag.

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